Buyer’s Market This aint No Buyer’s Market

The real estate market in general is a funny animal. The cycles of Highs and Lows can wreak havoc on Buyer’s,  Seller’s,  Real Estate Professionals and the community at large. It is never so apparent though as in the depths of a down market. The Battle cry of the Newsman ” If it Bleeds it Leads” is the catalysist for reporting bad news about real estate. Positive news is also reported but just like the weather report of it being another Sunny day it does not hold the same fascination as does a Tornado ripping through the midwest.

Given the fact that many of the larger real estate markets across the country are experiencing a down market one would have to conclude that the consensus is that it is  a Buyer’s Market. In fact many articles currently being written about the market often lead out with ” In this Buyer’s Market ” or ” Sound Strategies in a Buyer’s Market”. The perception of the real estate market having a Buyer’s market and a Seller’s Market though I feel is false.

What no Buyer’s Market you ask? Here is what I mean. Following sound business strategies in investing in Real Estate ( and we are all investors rather we buy to live in or not ) would say to buy low and sell high. Yet in Real Estate the opposite is usally true. In the last several years arguably one of the best long term expanding markets we have seen at least in the 19 + years that I have been in business. Buyer’s were flooding the market competing against each other and further driving up the Sales price even beyond the often over speculated price. All of this in what was known as a Seller’s Market.

The only way you could convince me that there is such a thing as a Buyer’s market would be to show me the imperical evidence. Such as the number of Buyer’s far out distancing the amount of buyers purchasing in a Seller’s Market. So if there is no Buyer’s Market then there is only a Seller’s Market. It is just that in an expanding market it is a better Seller’s Market than in a Down Market.

What say you?



3 responses to “Buyer’s Market This aint No Buyer’s Market

  1. one can learn much from your blog

  2. Pingback: Portland Oregon Buyer’s Market or Sellers Market | The Pickle

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