Category Archives: Realtor

Why is This the Time to Buy Real Estate

Yesterday I posted an article about the real estate market in Portland Oregon . I expressed my oppinion that it was A_Good_Time_TO_Buy_Real_Estate . A reader challenges that oppinion with a resounding ” are you kidding me ” referrencing an article of the rise in foreclosure rates in Portland and around the country.

It is a good question and one that deserves a good answer. Throughout the entire history of mankind, there has never been a moment where man has bitten off more than he could chew. In todays fast paced society and an eagerness of most everyone to have instant gratification to there life styles, prudent purchases are often over looked. It is quite easy to get caught up in the ” everyone is doing it ” menatlity. That does not mean that it shows fiscal responsibility.

In short there is nothing that can be done to those who have walked to the end of the plank only to see it sawed off behind them.

The percentage of those that have done so is a substantial amount. However the larger percentage of consumers have not and there should be no reason at all for anyone who wants to purchase a home to delay that purchase. Interest rates are still very low, Tammy_Wittren_of_Northwest_Mortgage  a mortgage Broker/Banker specializes in loans taylor made to the Portland Market would be happy to update you with the current rates.

The reasons to purchase now and why this is a great time to buy are for the following reasons :

  • The past two years real estate across most of the country has been depressed and in some cases a major decline.
  • Real Estate is now begining to show a comeback and a rise in prices in many locations
  • For those Sellers who have had there home on the market for a while without an offer , they may be willing to look at strong buyer more than there asking price.
  • With the market improving real estate sales prices will soon begin to go up.
  • Seeings how the real estate market in Portland has not been affected as the rest of the country, the rise in prices here will most likely be more severe than other parts of the nation.

So just like the stock market the time to buy is when it is at its lowest or close to its lowest. Not after it has already made the turn and you have missed out. For those that have been in the real estate market in the Portland Oregon area for any time can testify to. Once the market begins that upward surge it can make leaps and bounds in the tens of thousands very quickly. Unlike reductions that are done in smaller amounts and reluctanly by sellers.

Is this the right time to buy? The answer is a resounding YES! For as you have seen in my previous post the last 12 months ending in April showed an appreciation rate above 11% in Portland. Using that number only and not any additional percentage that might happen should the market take off again, 11% a year on a $300,000 home is $33,000. Or $16,500 for 6 months or $8,250 for 3 months. So every 90 days you wait you are in effect losing $8,250 worth of buying power.


How is Your Real Estate Market Portland Oregon Remains Strong

For the last two years many of my friends in the real estate business did not have much to shout about. Prices were down and inventory was up. For many of my colleagues life was pretty bleak. Recently however signs of improvement have begun to show up in these long depressed markets. A strong Real Estate Market is not only good for agents it is good for the country.

One of the major index’s to this country’s economy is the housing industry. A healthy Real Estate industry points to a healthy economy and consumer confidence. People who feel secure tend to “put down roots” with the purchase of a home. 

Portland Oregon for the past two years has remained virtually unscathed feeling little of the effects of the rest of the country. Although not totally oblivious of the rest of the country’s real estate woes , for the most part our market has continued to grow with only a small curtailment.

The_Portland_Oregon_Metro_Real_Estate_Market_Report_for_April.  shows a dampened trend. Yet the market still is a good market and well priced homes are selling relatively fast with and average market time of 44 to 46 days for many areas. It would be hard to define this as a Buyer’s market yet there are many good buys for the discerning eye. As the market improves in the rest of the country the trend is that Portland Oregon will follow its lead. This may be the perfect time for the first time home buyer or investor in Portland to make their move.


Spotlight on a Realtor, Cyndee Haydon of Tampa Bay Florida

Real Estate Agent  Cyndee Haydon and husband Jack are a real estate consulting team working in the Tampa_Bay_Floridaarea in communities like Clearwater, Clearwater Beach and St. Petersburg to mention a couple.

Cyndee and Jack have been residents of Clearwater for over 12 years . There professional real estate careers are devoted to working in the following areas :

  • Clearwater Beach, Florida 
  • Belleair Beach, Florida
  • Ozona, Florida
  • Belleair Beach, Florida
  • Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
  • Indian Shores, Florida
  • Redington Shores, Florida
  • North Redington Shores, Florida
  • Madeira Beach, Florida
  • Treasure Island, Florida
  • Gulfport, Florida
  • Tarpon Springs, Florida
  • St.Pete Beach, Florida
  • Tierra Verde, Florida 

Be sure to visit Cyndee and Jack’s Clearwater_Homes_Web_Site where you can view real estate for sale, Search for Real_Estate_for_Sale_on_the_MLS . Be sure to visit there Clearwater_Community_Links_for_Plenty_of_Local_Information  . Call Cyndee and Jack today I know they would love to hear from you.

Name: Cyndee Haydon: Real Estate Pro in Tampa Bay, Florida
Company: Belloise Realty
Office Phone: (727) 710-8036
Cell Phone: (727) 710-8035
Alt. Phone: (727) 710-8036
Fax Number: (727) 797-6265

Spotlight on a Realtor, Karen Rice of Lake Wallenpuapack in the Poconos

Karen Rice is a lifelong resident of the Hawley, Lake Wallenpaupack area she grew up in Pike county just out side of Hawley so her roots run deep. Her commitment to her craft shows and her customers shows through this quote about Karen. 

This man-made lake was created in

    1927 with approximately 5,700 acres 

    of surface area and has 52 miles of

     shore line. Land was once owned by

     The Estate of William Penn. Be sure

     to visit the Chamber of Commerce at



Karen focuses on residential real estate in the Hawley – Lake Wallenpaupack area of Pike County and Wayne County, Pennsylvania. 

Some of the more popular communities in Wayne County include: The Hideout (Lake Ariel, PA), and Wallenpaupack Lake Estates (Lake Ariel, PA & Lake Wallenpaupack). 

In Pike County, we have: Tanglwood Lakes (Greentown; Lake Wallenpaupack), Woodledge Village (Hawley), Tink Wig Mountain Lake Estates (Hawley / Lackawaxen), Fawn Lake Forest (Lackawaxen), Masthope (Lackawaxen) and Hemlock Farms (Hawley / Lords Valley).

Come visit Lake Wallenpaupack and Karen Rice today I know they would love to see you. Karen_Rice’s_Web_Site_for_Wallenpaupack_Lake_Fronts 

You Can Reach Karen Rice at the Following:

Office Phone: (570) 226-7653
Cell Phone: (570) 647-5170

Hawley_Pa_City_Data_and_Information   a rich source of links and demographics from city data.

Be sure to Visit The_Settlers_Inn_at_Bingham_Park_a_Bed_&_Breakfast  in Hawley.

The_Historical_Society_of_Pike_County  share the experience of a lifetime as Pennsylvania History comes alive.

Dockside_Weather_at_Lake_Wallenpaupack Stay up to date on local weather conditions at the Lake.